May 21, 2018
Royal Wedding
Royal Wedding
The week leading up to the royal wedding we the children made crowns, flags and bunting. The children learnt about what a wedding is and we looked at pictures of other royal weddings. We learnt about palaces and princes and princesses.
We began to talk to the children about weddings, special clothes , food and cakes. The children then began to make their crowns in preparation for the big Tea party we were holding on Friday.
On Friday , Sally brought her wedding dress and photo album to show the children and they were able to dress up as brides and brides maids , role play wedding games , with some children being the groom and escorting the bride. The children were really excited to be able to try on and touch a real wedding dress.
We then made iced wedding cakes and had a big tea party with sandwiches and lots of lovely treats to eat.
In the afternoon the children spent time trying to guess what the Royal brides dress would be like and what lovely food they would eat , we had lots of guesses from Fish fingers to Candy floss.
The children had a great day and extended their learning in all areas.