at home

One essential part of nursery education doesn’t happen at nursery at all. We work in partnership with parents and carers to create a seamless experience that continues your child’s learning at home and builds on their successes of the day.

By building these simple interactions into your everyday homelife, you can significantly boost your child’s learning journey.

6 little tips for supporting your child’s learning at home

Blossoming at home

Read together

By regularly reading with your child, you’ll really help to develop his or her literacy skills. At breakfast or at bedtime. Whether your child reads independently or you read to them (or a bit of both). Reading time offers a brilliant opportunity to form bonds as well as support learning.

Blossoming at home

Repeat together

We make every day a day full of curiosity, fun, and engagement. By bringing the same kind activities into your home, you will help to reinforce everything your child has learned. And by finding out about their favourite things, you’ll also strengthen the bond between you.

Blossoming at home

Exercise together

We all know how important physical activity really is for a healthy body and motivated mind. So try and make time to enjoy a little exercise together as often as you can, whether that’s a secret mission to the shops, exploring the local park, or kicking a ball around the garden.

Blossoming at home

Sing (and dance) together

We love music here at Blossom Years. Music is comforting, uplifting, and good for the soul. Teach your child nursery rhymes, create family-friendly playlists together, and hey – why not? Dance along to their favourite song! It’s great exercise and don’t worry - nobody’s watching!

Blossoming at home

Imagine together

We often use imaginative play to encourage creativity and promote curiosity. And guess what? You can do the same at home with no special resources, props or blocks required. Setting up a pretend shop using everyday items from your kitchen cupboard is just one of endless examples.

Blossoming at home

Talk together

Any opportunity to talk is an opportunity to help your child develop social skills – and strengthen that all important bond between you. Get your child to take part in everyday activities such as household chores, involve them in discussions, or simply ask about their day.