February 18, 2018
Chinese New Year and Valentines Day
“Chinese New Year” – Year of the Dog
The children practices their fine motor skills using tweezers to move ‘noodles’ in the home corner that became a Chinese restaurant for the day. We also have prawn crackers for snack and tried some sweet and sour sauce….. some of the children liked this others didn’t ! The children listened to the story of the animals of Chinese new year and joined together to make a fabulous piece of art work. Throughout the week we carried on doing different dog themed crafts and activities, such as comparing sizes of paper bones, big, small, medium. Making dog pictures out of different shapes and decorating origami dogs.
Valentines day
The children made cards to take home, they also used some heart shapes to peg and match numbers on and we also used our amazing pinching fingers using the pipettes to carefully squeeze vinegar onto baking soda – we loved to watch it change and fizz inside the heart shapes.