On the Bus

We all went on a bus trip to our local bus garage. The children walked beautifully down the road to the Bus Stop where the bus was waiting for us. We were met by Nigel our friendly driver and two Police ladies. We went upstairs and sat down, and sang Wheels on the bus and Big Red bus on the way. We could see lots of things from the top of the bus. When we got to the garage we had a talk from Nigel about what bus drivers do and what police officers do. Also about how to keep safe. We then took it in turns to have our picture taken in the drivers seat and with the police ladies. We then went through the bus wash twice !! It was really exciting and we have learnt lots about buses and everyone really enjoyed our trip.

Pre-school Manager – Nightingale Lane

On the BusOn the BusOn the BusOn the BusOn the BusOn the Bus